SubmissionInstruction to authors for the initial submission Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished research papers, describing particular challenges or experiences or proposing novel solutions relevant to the scope of the conference. Papers must present original and unpublished work and should not be currently under review by any other conference or journal. Papers should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages and formatted according to the template format in the website of the conference: https://icaece2022.sciencesconf.org. Papers must be submitted electronically using online submission system by January 05, 2023.
Submissions will be peer reviewed by International Committee on the basis of full manuscripts. Acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Contributions should not be published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. Best presented papers will be selected for publication in International journals.
For any problem in the submission process, please, send an email to:
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